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Celebrating World Heart Day At Work

6 min read
Last Updated on 13 December, 2024
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Celebrating World Heart Day At  Work

September 29 is observed as World Heart Day to increase awareness of cardiovascular diseases among people. Modern-day increasing at an incredible rate heart problems are creating chaos in the lives of many, especially employees. And so, it has become mandatory to check your heart and health-related issues regularly.

Thus, World Heart Day aims to generate global awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention among common people.

The anatomy of the human heart is complex from a scientific perspective. And, when it comes to emotional matters of the heart, it is complicated too. So, we can say that the heart is the most valuable of all organs because it beats to its own rhythm.

Likewise, a healthy heart doesn't beat with the frequency of a clock. The heart adapts to your changing activities and the amount of oxygen you take during that. And it tends to speed up or slow down accordingly.


World Heart Day informs people around the globe that CVD, including heart disease and stroke, is the world's leading cause of death, claiming 18.6 million lives each year, and highlights the actions individuals can take to prevent and control CVD. It aims to drive action to educate people that by controlling risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided.
– World Heart Federation

The History Of World Heart Day


The World Heart Federation (WHF), in association with the World Health Organization (WHO) 1999, declared the celebration of World Heart Day. The idea was originated by Antoni Bayés de Luna, president of WHF from 1997–99.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), cardiovascular conditions take the lives of about 17 million people every year. And which is also the most common cause of global death. Most of these deaths were the result of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Although World Heart Day was to be celebrated until 2011, it is still observed every last Sunday of September every year. Almost 90 countries participate in World Heart day every year. World Heart Day has proven to be a productive means for dispersing information on cardiovascular diseases.

The World Heart Federation sponsors this event and spreads information and dialogues on cardiovascular diseases. They also share valuables using various platforms such as forums, talk shows, podcasts, and posters. They also fundraise, provide free health checkups, and organize events and concerts, sports events, and other activities to stimulate minds to become more mindful of their health.

Organizations can also do the same to spread general awareness among employees about heart health on this day.

Also Read: 20 Interesting Employee Wellbeing Statistics You Should Know

Importance of Observing World Heart Day At Work


Most cardiovascular diseases are often faced by people whose lifestyle choices are poor and unhealthy. The primary causes of heart conditions are improper diet, lack of physical activity, excessive smoking, or drinking. But, human habits are modifiable. Similarly, sedentary lifestyles and cardiovascular diseases are preventable too.

Technology today is improving lives and advancing the healthcare system. So, why not take advantage and begin your journey towards maintaining a better and healthy heart?

Employees especially need to take measures, as heart diseases significantly impact organizational structure. The organizational healthcare costs associated with therapeutic measures keep increasing yearly, hampering productivity at work.

Therefore, regular heart rate monitoring is important to ensure good health at work. Employees must spot their current health status and take positive steps to prevent them.

To excel at work and give the best to the organization, you must be heartful. Because, a healthy workforce is the greatest secret and asset to a successful company. They tend to create a healthy work environment and enhance the growth culture.

Why Do Employees Need To Take Care Of Their Hearts?


Do you know that sometimes medicines or irregularities in your heart rate may warrant a visit to your doctor? And, if your pulse is very low, very high, or frequently switches between, you also need to consult a doctor right away?

Keeping track of your health and wellness has become more crucial than ever. Everything matters: what you eat, how much Sleep you get, are you working out, and what you are doing to keep your mind, body, and soul intact.

Working from nine to five, looking after the family and yourself, can be overwhelming. But you cannot avoid them. You must take care of their heart.

Maintaining good health will avoid problems like absenteeism or other physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalance and remain productive. It will help you thrive in both your personal and professional life. So, setting your health goals today will help you succeed in the long run.

If you want to know a few ways to increase your employees energy and motivation? Check out this article!

Take A Step Towards Improving Heart Health


In the 21st century, things are easier than ever before. You can easily monitor your heart rate through smartphones, watches, or personalized wearable devices. Your heart rate can also offer unprecedented insight into your overall health, cardiovascular fitness, persistence, and more. An article states that you can specify the intensity of your workouts and ensure you always get the most out of them by calculating your heart rate.

It feels great when Google appreciates you for achieving 150 heart points. Google Fit launched integrates a measure called Heart Points. It has collaborated with the American Heart Association's Center for Health Technology & Innovation and uses the AHA's recommendations for exercise and movement activities. According to WHO, scoring 150 heart points a week helps you live longer, sleep better, and keep your mood uplifted.

Healthy living is a key factor in happiness and progress. Therefore, ensure yourself a healthy life. How you want to live and spend the rest of your life is upto you. What would you answer?

Well, if you want to make the most out of life and well-being. Then, make sure you choose your meals and diet wisely and work out at least five days a week, be it even a 7-minutes workout. And do not forget to measure your heart rate after that and regularly.

There are many AI-powered corporate health and wellness platforms for employees. They provide an opportunity to track their real-time health and well-being activities. One such platform is Vantage Fit, an all-in-one employee health and wellness platform.

Vantage Fit is determined to change employees' lifestyles, reduce healthcare costs, and help;

  1. Monitor heart rate
  2. Count your calories and water intake
  3. Indulge in mindfulness meditation
  4. Track mood and outdoor activities
  5. Log activities like hiking, swimming, aerobics, and even more.


Fun Facts About The Human Heart


  • The heart beats about 115,000 times every day.
  • The heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood each day.
  • Your heart can persist in beating even after it’s disconnected from your body.
  • The identified earliest documented case of heart disease remains a 3,500-years-old Egyptian mummy.
  • The American pygmy shrew is the most undersized mammal. It has the fastest heart rate at 1,200 beats per minute.
  • Most heart attacks occur on a Monday.
  • The human heart weighs 1 pound or less.
  • A woman’s heart beats a little faster than a man’s.
  • It’s possible to have a broken heart called broken heart syndrome. Broken heart syndrome is driven by stress hormones from emotional or physical stress.
  • Laughing is great for the heart. It reduces stress and boosts mood, and improves the immune system.

Every year, the U.S. pays roughly $200 billion on health care services, medicine, and failed productivity at work due to heart disease.

Bottom Line

Leveraging your heart health is vital because your heart is crucial to your overall fitness. It is important to keep your heart nourishing with a well-balanced diet and exercise, and avoid things that can damage it.

Your emotional agility has a lot to do with your heart too. So, you must maintain a healthy heart for your overall wellness. For an adult, a normal resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. So, take care of your core, and let your well-being blossom. Spread the significance of having a healthy heart on World Heart Day at your workplace.

This article is written by Parismita Goswami who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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