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Healthy And Warm Winter Snacks You Can Bring To Work

6 min read
Last Updated on 01 July, 2024
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Healthy And Warm Winter Snacks You Can Bring To Work

Winter is the season of indulgence. The reduced daylight makes us mourn the sunlight and hibernate all season, and munch on comfort food. As the cold mist sets in, we hardly find the motivation to burn those holiday calories. It is impossible to stay true to our new year resolutions of staying fit.

With the lockdown being lifted partially and hybrid work cultures stepping in many places across the globe, one thing that remains constant is the hurdle to decide on having a healthy lunch.

Lunch break could be quite tempting, with everyone relishing one savory meal/food to another, making it rather a Sisyphean task for the health freaks.

However, a warm and healthy winter snack for lunch at work could be your savior. With all its indulgences, winter comes with a heap loads of seasonal veggies and fruits.

We can easily turn these boring veggies into some guilt-free savories and delights to indulge in.

This blog aims to help you with healthy choices for your next lunch break that will get you through the day.

Winters Snacks For You To Munch While Working


With winter comes the endless cravings for munching and curling up on comfort food. Although snacks are essential to help you get through the day, it doesn't necessarily have to be processed or unhealthy food. Munching on some healthier alternatives will keep you energized and warm.

Here’s a list of some healthy munching options for you to get through the wintry blues of work -

Peanut butter granola pinwheels

image courtesy- Pinterest

Satisfying your cravings and leading a healthy lifestyle can be quite a task, especially during winters. New easy recipes do comes in handy when we can’t seem to find the right recipe. Peanut butter granola pinwheels is an easy snack which can be made without much fuss. Everything you need to make this, will be there in your kitchen .

It’s basically a simple dough of peanut butter and granola cut into small pieces just like tortillas.But with this easy nutritious snack, you can replace those big guilt meals with power lunch .Peanut butter and granola both are effective in weight loss.. Thus, you can curl up binging this winter without having to compromise the taste.

Muesli ladoo

image courtesy- Sharmis' passion

Cereal for lunch or snacks do sound odd, but turning it into a winter snack sounds intriguing. Take your daily morning cereal up a notch with this innovative recipe.

Muesli alone comes with loads of nutritious values. Switching from the traditional sesame seed laddo to a more healthier muesli laddo or muesli bars can be our kryptonite to thrive this winter craving throughout.

Suggested read: 7 High Protein Snacks For Work To Increase Energy and Health

Popcorn with pumpkin slices or seeds

image courtesy- Kitchn

When it comes to munching on something light yet filling, we immediately run towards the snack bar. Popcorn or pumpkin slices roasted or air-fried can be great munch. Pumpkin is rich in immunity-boosting zinc, which makes it a smart lunch choice to kill the seasonal flu.

Pumpkins are rich in vitamin E and C. More pumpkin in your diet can help your immune cells work better to ward off germs and speed healing if you’re injured.

Carrot and beetroot fritters

image courtesy- Pinterest

Winter vegetables are a haven for those who want some crunch and a daily dose of vitamins, and fibers. You can easily transform these into savory snacks. As far as our winter cravings are concerned, fryers are always a safe choice. There's nothing better than carrots and beets in the winter (fritters are easy to make). When you combine both of these, you have a healthy, wholesome snack or even a perfect lunch to take with you to work.


image courtesy- Pinterest

Crostini are easy to make and pack snacks that are rich in Vitamin C and fiber. You can easily make these by toasting a few slices of whole wheat bread. You can also spread some olive oil on each side for that extra crunch.

Baked sweet potato and spinach cutlets

image courtesy- Pinterest

Winter evenings and bonfire snacks seem incomplete without munching on spinach and sweet potatoes savories. Guess we can still enjoy some of it, if not the bonfire but the snacks even while working.

Spinach and sweet potatoes are the heart of winter. Making a cutlet or even a baked patty out of it will keep your hunger at bay.

Potatoes don't make you fat. Sweet potatoes help a great deal to lose weight. 100gms of sweet potatoes consist of only 0.1gm of fat.

Chickpeas wholesome snacks

image courtesy- Pinterest

Chickpeas are rich in nutritional values. Magnesium, protein, and fibers all three of these are packed in one wholesome snack can be your red cape for rescue. From chickpeas patty to roasted chickpeas, chickpeas cutlet or even going desi with pakoras, you name it, and the list goes on and on.

Oatmeal bowl

image courtesy- xoxoBella

It's easy to spice up your bowl of oatmeal this winter by adding a few more ingredients. It can be a tasty way to start the day or be a great meal substitute. If you throw in some maple syrup or even roasted pumpkin seeds or almonds with seasonal fruits, you've got the perfect protein bowl.

Oatmeals, when made with water, sugar, and minerals, is an excellent meal choice for those trying to lose weight as it is rich in fibers and numerous nutrients like magnesium, iron, and vitamin B1.

Some Good Winter Snacks Ideas For Outdoor

Eating healthy is always the key to being at the top of your game. You can consider your snack as a mini-meal substitute and get the most out of it. If you're an outdoor person or your work requires you to be outdoors this winter, then you should try out these portable snack ideas.

Home-made date nuts bar

image courtesy- Cooking Sutra

Winter comes with a wholesome variety of nuts and dates. So, making yourself a bar out of it will save you a lot of time and carbs. Dates and nuts are rich in protein, which further will keep you energized and keep you warm.

In a food processor, create a mixture of pulse, dates, nuts, and salt and blend it coarsely until you're able to squeeze it together into a clump. You can roll it into balls or cut it into small pieces of bars.

Pizza pockets

image courtesy- Archana's Kitchen

Winter is the time of year when we crave cozy snacks. However, comfort comes at the cost of carbs. Getting a quick munch on the go can be quite a challenge.

For something more substantial than a snack, try rolling out a round of pizza dough and filling it with your favorite fillings: sautéed zucchini, mushrooms, and peppers, chopped pepperoni, roasted chicken, sliced ham or cooked ground beef.

Thus, with these nutritious-filled pizza pockets, you can easily satisfy your winter cravings.

Suggested read: 51 Tasty And Healthy Snacks For Work To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

Quinoa salad with feta cheese and kale

image courtesy- Pinterest

Salads are always the best option when it comes to a meal substitute. But munching on the same old green veggies can be pretty mundane and perishable too. Thus ,switching to grainy salad based on barley, brown rice, or quinoa from the traditional green ones is a better choice. They will travel better and provide more nutrient doses than green ones.

Wintry kale travels well and can be a great choice for outdoor lunch.

Summing It Up

We can thus safely say that regardless of our lack of motivation to exercise when the temperatures fall, staying fit is still easy if we keep a close eye on our diet.

Thanks for reading this article, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions by leaving a comment below.

This article is written by Neha Yasmin who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A selenophile with a penchant for discovering great meals and drinks. Is a self-proclaimed binge racer with a knack for cooking in her spare time. For queries, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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