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5 Ways To Celebrate Occupational Therapy Month In The Workplace

4 min read
Last Updated on 19 July, 2022
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5 Ways To Celebrate Occupational Therapy Month In The Workplace

Every year the month of April is observed as occupational therapy month in the US. It is all about celebrating the holistic approach of occupational therapy in healthcare.

It is celebrated to acknowledge the importance of the profession and the achievements of occupational therapist's clients, the small steps they take to achieve the things they want and need to do.

What Is Occupational Therapy Month, And When Is It Observed?

Occupational therapy is a branch of healthcare that helps people solve problems involving mobility difficulties or performing their daily tasks or day-to-day work. It is different from a physical therapist, and it is a client-centered health profession that enables people to participate in everyday life through the therapeutic use of the occasion.

It is the practice of promoting an individual's mental, physical, and social well-being to increase their quality of life and participation in roles of their occupation and work that they find more meaningful.

Occupatioal therapy practitioners ask, "What matters to you?" not , " What's the matter with you ?"

It is a hidden gem in the therapy world, and almost anyone could benefit from it. You can use an OT to support your employees' physical health and well-being even at work. Employees suffering from numerous issues associated with long work hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and mobility limitations can benefit from occupational therapy. It focuses on improving an individual's mobility or helping them do their day-to-day activities.

As opposed to the traditional view of OT, age no longer matters when it comes to recovery.

The Eight Areas Of Occupational Therapist -

  • Activities of daily living

  • Sleep and rest

  • Work

  • Leisure

  • Education

  • Play

  • Social participation

  • Instrumental activities of everyday life

Thus, an occupational therapist, in general, involves overall treatment that deals with helping people perform their basic tasks, be it at work or home. These can include training individuals to get dressed up or walk or even type, and they help people live their lives to their fullest.

Occupational Therapy Month began in 1980 to correspond with the annual conference and expo for The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

5 Ways To Celebrate It At Work

Life is made up of occupations and meaningful work ranging from being a parent, spouse, teacher, coach, and employer to being an employer. Every role comes with its challenges and responsibilities. A good part of OT month is to acknowledge the efforts of every therapist who makes it less stressful and more convenient for you to do your job.

Occupational therapy month encourages people to find therapeutic ways to deal with daily tasks. An occupational therapist helps people of all ages to live life to the fullest by promoting health and living better with injuries or disabilities.

Taking certain steps to improve your office's atmosphere and connection to your community will allow you to appreciate occupational therapy better as a field and the people in your workplace. Everyone should take part in celebrating Occupational Therapy Month.

“Medicine adds days to life, OT adds life to days.”

Here are a few ways you can celebrate occupational therapy month in the workplace-

1. Creating Awareness

The first step to celebrating anything first is through creating awareness about it. In April, make it a priority to educate your peers and employees to understand who they are and their contribution to their well-being.

You can also consider hosting a webinar or seminar about it and inviting an OT to speak about their own experiences. You can also ask your employees to submit their own stories or understandings relating to occupational therapy.

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2. Posting It On Social Media

You can make the most of social media platforms to spread more and more awareness about the work and services they provide. It is one of the most effective ways to discuss occupational therapists' work.

Allowing interaction on social media can include safety tips and information about helpful gadgets that benefit your employees to seek help and gain more knowledge about it. Asking questions and receiving feedback can be a great way to break the barrier.

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3. Throwing An Office Lunch

You can organize a small or brief office luncheon to celebrate and appreciate the work and efforts of occupational therapists at your workplace. In addition to helping each employee accomplish daily tasks, they also provide continuing education. You can boost morale and show appreciation by hosting an official awards ceremony, luncheon, or even a small breakfast.

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4. Organize An Event To Promote Valuable Activities

An occupational therapist helps you reconnect with hobbies and activities you love and suggests simple techniques to make them less painful and more enjoyable, so holding an event or session on the same in the workplace can be another way to celebrate occupational therapy month.

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5. Conduct A Virtual Workshop

In the wake of the pandemic, the work culture has changed to a hybrid one, making it quite ineffective to hold an offline workshop on the ABCs of occupational therapy. Therefore, if you host a virtual two-day workshop and invite a professional to educate your employees on the subject, there may be a higher level of engagement.

During this workshop, they can recommend tools that can help in the development of professional skills, including:

  • Voice dictation software to give the sore hands of your employees some rest

  • Ergonomic computers, mouse and chair

  • Teaching simple ways of social participation

Summing it up

Thus to sum it up, celebrating occupational month is vital as it educates the masses by providing resources and serving as an advocate to improve the health care department of every organization. It is also a great way to recognize their efforts and boost their morale. This article will hopefully help you to gain a better understanding of the profession and those who serve us.

This article is written by Neha Yasmin who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A selenophile with a penchant for discovering great meals and drinks. Is a self-proclaimed binge racer with a knack for cooking in her spare time. For queries, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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