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7 High Protein Snacks For Work To Boost Energy and Health

4 min read
Last Updated on 01 July, 2024
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7 High Protein Snacks For Work To Boost Energy and Health

When you are busy throughout the day, getting your hands on nutritious meals can be quite a challenge. Working for long hours at a stretch can disrupt your eating habits, cause hunger, and make you crave unhealthy foods.

In such cases, high protein snacks can come to your rescue by providing you with all the nutrients you need to function properly. High protein snacks will help you stay full for longer and also aid you in muscle building and weight loss.

Eating a Protein rich Diet at Work

You might know that proteins are the building blocks of our bodies. Even though protein is so important for regeneration and repairing of tissues and cells, most people do not get sufficient protein from their diets.

For someone who works a 9 to 5 job, getting sufficient protein is an even bigger challenge. One of the reasons for this is that most corporate employees may not have the time and resources to choose a protein rich meal.

Secondly, most office canteens usually serve foods that are high in carbohydrates and fats but low in protein. Also, most store-bought snacks are full of sugars and unhealthy fats while being low in the protein department.

Therefore, choosing the right protein sources and reaching your daily quota can be quite a task if you are a corporate employee.

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Benefits of Protein Snacks for Employees

High protein snacks can be quite useful if you are looking to increase the amount of protein in your diet while at work. They can help you satisfy your hunger cravings and keep you going throughout the day. Most importantly, such snacks do not contain harmful ingredients that regular store-bought contain in high amounts.

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Here are some of the benefits of munching on protein snacks at work -

  • Keeps you satiated

  • Provides clean energy

  • Helps build muscle strength and mass

  • Aids weight loss

  • Improves mood

7 Delicious High Protein Snacks For Work

If you want to increase your protein intake at work but don’t know which foods to eat, you are in the right place. Given below are 10 delicious and simple snacks that are high in protein and other nutrients.

1. Almonds

Almonds are one of the healthiest foods available. They are rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, fats, and minerals. Almonds can be great snacks and can help regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol.

Snack on a handful of almonds at work and reap the amazing benefits they have to offer. Just make sure that you limit yourself as eating too many almonds can cause digestive problems.

2. Nut Butter

Who doesn’t love one or two spoons of delicious nut butter?! Nut butter is nutritious and tasty. It is high in protein, essential fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. It also comes in various types, with the most popular being peanut butter.

Nut butter is a fantastic protein-rich snack option that you will enjoy. You can spread it on bread or just have it directly.

Before buying nut butter, always check the labels. Try to choose ones that are 100% natural and avoid ones that contain hydrogenated vegetable oil, sugar, and salt.

3. Trail Mix

Trail mix is a mixture of nuts, seeds, berries, and dried fruits. A serving of trail mix will provide you with all essential nutrients like fiber, protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and more. It is easy to carry along and is a great snack option to keep at your desk.

You can easily find trail mix in your nearest grocery store or you can make it yourself. Just don’t go overboard as eating too much can cause stomach problems.

4. Protein Bar

As the name suggests, protein bars are full of proteins and other essential nutrients. They are one of the easiest ways to increase your protein intake and are quite delicious as well. You can find different flavors of protein bars in your nearest store and choose one to your liking.

If you want to keep your weight in check then choose the ones with zero added sugars.

5. Protein Shake

There is nothing more convenient than a protein shake to help you meet your daily protein requirements. Protein powders are available in various flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, and so on. Most protein powders are made from whey, a milk product. But, if you are lactose intolerant, you can opt for soy protein as well.

Just add a scoop or two of protein powder in a shaker bottle and bring it to work. Add water and drink it whenever you feel like you need a healthy snack.

6. Chia Seeds

Have you ever tried incorporating chia seeds into your diet? They are one of the most nutritious foods available and becoming widely popular throughout the world.

They are a rich source of protein, healthy fats, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Also, they are relatively low in calories and can be added to all kinds of foods.

Keep a container of roasted chia seeds in your office desk drawer and munch on a handful whenever you need a snack during the day.

7. Canned Fish

Canned fish products are very versatile and full of nutrients. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and minerals. They can be eaten as a snack and also as a meal as well because of their rich nutrient profile.

The most popular varieties of canned fish are tuna, mackerel, and sardines. You can easily get your hands on a can of tuna or sardines at your local grocery store. Eat them as you like, straight out of the can, as a sandwich filling, and so on.

Just be aware that canned fish products are usually high in sodium and mercury. Therefore, eat them in moderation.

Tell us which is your favorite high protein snack from this list in the comments below.

Besides working as a content marketer at Vantage Circle, Shah Alif Ahmed is also an internationally certified nutrition specialist, competitive bodybuilder and a musician. For any queries reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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