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How Fitness Points Can Boost Your Corporate Wellness Program?

5 min read
Last Updated on 29 November, 2023
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How Fitness Points Can Boost Your Corporate Wellness Program?

Fitness points or rewards are a well-known tool to boost employees’ participation and commitment to wellness programs. Fitness points serve as a form of motivational strategy that encourages individuals to adopt healthy habits.

Wellness programs are becoming the new normal in any corporate work setup. Although popular, bringing all the employees on board to take part in wellness programs is challenging. There will be retaliation and reluctance from the employees. This is where the concept of fitness points comes into play.

With incentivization, HRs can boost employee participation and engagement in wellness programs. 92 percent of companies that considered employee feedback and well-being metrics of wellness programs were able to promote positive wellness culture at work.

How to Implement Fitness Points Successfully?

An ideal wellness program utilizes the power of fitness points to help employees enjoy the health benefits of leading an active lifestyle. Here’s how to make the most out of fitness points:

1. Offer fitness points for completing any wellness challenge.

The fact is, getting all your employees to participate and complete any wellness activity is difficult. This is why incorporating the perks of fitness points is essential. Such a tactic will give your employees a push to take part in and even complete wellness challenges.

Here are some challenges that admins can incentivize with fitness points:

  • Step challenge
  • Mood tracking
  • Practice mindfulness minutes
  • Jog or run for a few miles in one go
  • Log other physical activities like cycling, yoga, and calisthenics

2. Provide multiple options to redeem the fitness points.

Usually, platforms that offer fitness points allow users to redeem them to purchase in-app features or products. Although it is a smart strategy to increase in-house sales, not all users will be interested in this offer.

The trick is to give users the liberty to do the following:

  • Redeem gift cards from popular lifestyle brands.
  • Purchase diverse merchandise at discounted prices.

3. Offer customization feature.

Giving the feature of fitness points is good, but what’s better? Giving wellness admins the choice to customize the fitness point as per the challenges. In doing so, admins can plan and incentivize wellness challenges to suit their employees’ requirements.

Admins should be able to set daily or weekly goals when setting fitness points for their employees. Also, they must have the option to craft the wellness program based on employee participation and engagement rate.

4. Give access to a detailed wellness wallet.

A wellness wallet is a digital wallet that showcases everything about the user’s fitness points. It displays the points users earned and redeemed after completing all the wellness challenges. Also, a detailed wellness wallet instills a sense of accountability and assurance in the participant’s mind.

For instance, how often do we look at our bank balance when the salary comes in? And truth be told, we all feel a little proud when we see a satisfactory amount in there. The same applies to a wellness wallet in some manner.

Fitness points are given away to the participants in two forms. * Extrinsic rewards involve gift cards, discounted products, and so on. * Intrinsic rewards involve the taste of one’s progress healthwise, optimized health.

Also read: Employee Health: A Vital Factor For Workplace Productivity

How Can HRs Benefit From Fitness Points?

  • HRs can generate their desired number of employee participation in their wellness programs.

  • HR or wellness admins can study how including fitness points affects their employees’ activity levels. Accordingly, they can then tweak the existing wellness program to boost employee well-being.

  • There will be increased productivity in the organization. As the participants reap the benefits of fitness points, they will be motivated to take up healthy lifestyle activities seriously. This, in turn, increases the release of endorphins. This hormone brings a sense of well-being, boosting their concentration levels and work productivity.

  • With the success of fitness points, employees will be physically active. Research suggests that employees who are physically active tend to take less sick leaves.

  • HRs can help create a positive brand identity for the company. Incentive motivation tactics or fitness points have the power to generate happier employees, positively impacting the company.

Success Tips For Busy Employees

Making up your mind to start and stick to a healthier lifestyle is a big struggle. It becomes more difficult, especially with work deadlines, hectic schedules, and stress. And you end up eating junk or unhealthy foods. It may satiate your taste buds, but it is not at all good healthwise.

Before you know it, you will lead an unhealthy lifestyle, which will get you in trouble.

There is a saying; you become what you eat. So, always make time for yourself amidst the tiring hectic work schedule. Take that time to rejuvenate your body with healthy food and physical activity.

Moreover, if your organization offers any employee wellness opportunity, grab it. Work on your well-being along with your career. Witness the positive change!

Successful people are always healthy. So, start being healthy, and work on your career goals to succeed.

Vantage Fit, Your Ultimate Corporate Wellness Platform

With the increasing emphasis on the well-being of employees in the business sector, there has been a significant surge in the popularity of corporate wellness platforms. With so many options available, selecting the best for your employees may be tricky. In such a case, I would like to suggest our very own in-house wellness platform, Vantage Fit.

Vantage Fit is built to create a happier and healthier workforce in a holistic manner. The platform also offers customized features integrated with the concept of fitness points.

So far, our wellness platform has engaged employees of multiple clients globally and helped them burn 1.2 billion calories.

So, hurry and schedule a demo with us today!

Final Words

As a whole, fitness points are a great way for wellness admins to derive employee participation in the company’s wellness initiatives. Although, there may be some hesitation and reluctance on behalf of the participants at the beginning. It depends on how the admins can curate their wellness programs to suit their employees’ interests and requirements.

Understanding the employees’ needs and interests plays a major role in the success of wellness programs. To learn about this, carrying out periodic surveys is vital. Vantage Pulse is one online tool worth mentioning here. It is an online employee survey tool that helps HRs assimilate employee feedback data.

Such employee feedback data helps wellness admins and HRs craft the perfect wellness programs and set fitness points suitably.

This article is written by Supriya Singh who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. Writing is how she keeps her creative side ignited. An avid dog lover. Loves to cook and binge watch TV shows. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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