5 Best Ways Rewards For Fitness Can Boost Participation in Employee Wellness Programs

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5 Best Ways Rewards For Fitness Can Boost Participation in Employee Wellness Programs

Finder survey says that getting in shape is one of millennials' top New Year resolutions. Be it the dress we wish to fit into or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we all desire to get in shape at one point or another.

Striving to achieve your fitness goals can test your limits and patience. And most of us hardly find time to exercise or follow a fitness routine besides the 9 to 5 hustle. But what if you are rewarded for your fitness?

Today, employees' health and wellness have become a topmost priority. But most of you lack motivation and determination. So, corporate wellness programs must include rewards and incentives to enhance employee participation.

Rewards for fitness are the best ways to keep employees looking into their wellness. Let's find out how and why.

Why Is Fitness Important In The Workplace?

Promoting health and fitness is the surefire way to achieve an individual's full potential. Corporate wellness programs are well-known among companies seeking productive employees.

Here are our top five reasons to promote fitness among your employees:


How Rewards For Fitness Boosts Employees' Wellness Participation?

We agree that losing weight and getting healthy are challenging goals. It requires one's full commitment and focus. But you can make the entire process fun and much easier to achieve with rewards.

You would be amazed to find its practical application during a corporate wellness program.

A detailed study carried out by researchers from the University of Minnesota estimated the effect of participation in the fitness rewards program.

  • They observed a 95% increase in participation throughout the experiment.

  • An incentive for exercising encourages a higher level of participation.

Besides boosting wellness and reaching new health goals, rewarding your employees reinforce new habits and enlighten them to continue their fitness journey.

Read further about the benefits and other tools to help with your employee wellness programs.

5 Rewards For Fitness Benefits In Wellness Program

1. Boost The Effectiveness Of Wellness Programs


Wellness programs cost thousands of dollars, but have you ever considered their effectiveness? Without employee participation in these programs, achieving those health goals becomes slim. It's high time to consider the factors for the lower interest among employees.

Whatever the reason, rewards for fitness are your answer to boosting employee engagement. A study shows that employees enrolled in programs without wellness incentives have a low participation ratio compared to employees with a proper incentivization strategy.

They observed a 60% engagement ratio surge, positively impacting participants' health and well-being.

For instance: Are you more inclined to set a goal of 10,000 steps per day if the incentive is a new Apple Watch or if the goal is to lower your cholesterol? It has been shown that incentives with price levels can motivate staff to participate in a wellness program.

Gift items like insulated sports bottles, running shoes, fit bands, free fitness classes, smoothie makers, gym trinkets, and so forth.

2. Boosts Team Spirit


Employees who work together share common fitness goals with their co-workers. So, organizing a group exercise will teach them the value of teamwork.

Reward their exceptional team spirit for making the program a success. Also, acknowledge their team-based incentive plans. It will encourage them to continue their fitness journey with others. It will also help them to keep a competitive edge and aim for higher fitness points.

3. Considers Employee Morale

What do we mean by boosting employee morale? It is an intrinsic factor that determines an employee's attitude, satisfaction, and outlook at the workplace.

Rewards for fitness are one of the factors that boost employees' participation in fitness programs. Employees who keep up with their high spirits are more confident than those who don't follow any wellness incentive program.

4. Promote Culture Of Wellness


Wellness incentives can be a powerful medium for boosting health and well-being in the workplace. Regardless of monetary or non-monetary rewards, the feeling of being recognized is surreal.

Employees complete wellness challenges that identify areas for improvement. Such as losing weight, smoking cessation, eating healthy, and beginning an exercise routine.

5. Keeps Your Employees Inspired

Our employees feel motivated post-workout and are, thus, more productive in their work and satisfied with their job. They also motivate one another to continue working out!

Exercising during work can reduce stress, increase energy, and improve overall mood. It makes you feel great after!

Well, now you get the idea? Even though it might seem like a carrot-and-stick policy, the sole motto of offering exercise rewards is to boost fitness. It helps in bringing out the competitive spirit among co-workers to achieve wellness.

Vantage Fit: A Revolutionary Corporate Wellness Platform

Vantage Fit is an all-in-one corporate wellness app focused on preventive healthcare and fitness. Its state-of-the-art design promotes healthier lifestyles through customizable wellness campaigns and challenges.

It allows you to track your employees’ calories and various physical activities and spread awareness through its impactful features like mood-o-meter, heart rate monitor, and health diary.

Employers can complement their employee’s wellness journey with both monetary and non-monetary rewards with the Vantage fit.

Here are the top key features of the Vantage Fit rewarding process :


Wellness Badges

As a non-monetary reward, you can recognize your most consistent employees with wellness badges. Celebrate their accomplishments and boost engagement even when you're not running contests.

In this way, it helps keep them motivated during the fitness journey. They get recognized with beautiful badges every time they accomplish their health goal.

Health Rewards Points

Monetary fitness points are a more effective solution in attracting maximum wellness program participation. Employers can allocate fitness points to their employees after they complete their health tasks.

These points are collected in a wallet of their employee's account and can be redeemed as gift cards from any shopping site.

Such a rewarding process is transparent and unbiased with your employees. It saves you money and encourages you towards a healthy lifestyle.

Here we have explained how Vantage Fit benefits your employees participating in the wellness programs.

Build a Healthy Workforce!

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Here we have answered you how Vantage Fit benefits your employees participating in the wellness programs.

Rewards For Fitness Benefits With Vantage Fit

  • Liberty To Choose Your Purchase

  • No Discrimination While Rewarding

  • Easy Redeemable Reward Policy

  • Department Wise Attention and Fitness Allocation

  • Nutrition Upliftment Fitness Points

Final Words

With the sole purpose of improving employees’ health and reducing healthcare costs, a fitness reward system helps your wellness program stand out. It helps gain your employees' interest and inspires them to keep up with their wellness journey.

When supported by a wellness platform like Vantage Fit, you may witness a significant increase in participation rates. With lucrative redeemable rewards like gifts-card of their choice that they can avail from the app within seconds.

Simple, right? So why not experience the process by clicking the link below?

Schedule a free demo with Vanatge Fit right now!

This article is written by Rangana Atreya, a Content Marketer at Vantage Circle. Having a creative mind with a spiritful life, she takes inspiration from traveling and learning languages. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com