21 Positive Thinking Ideas For A Workplace To Encourage

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21 Positive Thinking Ideas For A  Workplace To Encourage

Positive thinking is about unleashing tremendous power inside your mind. It helps individuals to master their thoughts. And by making them aware of their actual self conduct. It also allows people to pursue a productive, exciting, and active life.

"Stay strong and stay positive" is the first and foremost thing people say to each other when anything goes wrong. Such affirmations on a bad day can work like a miracle.

So, optimism broadens the individual perspective and possibilities in life.
It is true that, our thoughts control our world.

But what does positive thinking have to do with workplace and employee wellness?

Work is an unavoidable part of human life. So, positive thinking is not just about getting better at work or being appreciated. It is about staying active and open to all kinds of possibilities.
Positive thinking helps an individual dig into their untapped potential.

One of the paths to success is laid through the valley of positivity. It helps in analyzing things and building a wise future.

A positive attitude reflects your thoughts and actions.

But, a positive attitude only comes from positive thinking. It aids in innovating new ideas and adds precision to work.

Negative and self-limiting thoughts can hamper performances, causing stress. Individuals must be conscious about their thoughts and train the mind to break and banish the negative ones.

Also Read: 10 Awesome Lifestyle Choices For Employees To Elevate Their Work-Life

Encourage your employees to unlock their vital thoughts and put them into everyday work.

Happy thoughts also lead to happy health. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improves the employer and employee relationship
  • Positive thinking improves mental focus
  • Improve productivity
  • Reduce absenteeism
  • It promotes a healthier and happier workplace
  • Improves intellectual wellness
  • Improve psychological health
  • Improve behavioral health
  • Improve decision making
  • Positive thinking reduces stress, depression, and anxiety

21 Ways to help Employees cultivate Positivity at Work

Let's talk about the ideas that encourage positive thinking at work:

1. The habit of reading books

"Books are a uniquely portable magic."
– Stephen King .

Thoughts determine the quality of life.
Reading will help you develop your thought process and knowledge. It also prevents cognitive decline and improves mental stimulation.

Taken for relatechurch.ca
Photo by Alexandra Fuller / Unsplash

It is one of the best ways to add colors to the grey area of the mind.

2. Meditation

"The mind and body are like a high-performance racing car. It will perform at its peak if it remains cool and well-oiled."
– Robin Sharma.

Meditation is the best way to start your day. It will help your mind shine throughout the day, even at work.

At the end of my practice I offer, may you always think the truth, speak the truth and feel the truth. This is what that looks like
Photo by Antonika Chanel / Unsplash

Meditation helps you to relax. So, please make it a part of your life as positive thoughts dwell in a relaxed mind.

Also Read: Mindfulness Meditation: Why To Practice At Work?

3. Listen to a podcast or watch motivational videos

Nowadays, subscribing to podcasts and motivational videos are the best ways to lift spirit and skills.

Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Listening to a podcast or watching motivational videos will help you magnify your motivation to work efficiently. An employee can spend 10-15 mins of a day listening to podcasts or watching a motivational video.

Employers can provide motivational videos and podcasts to their employees.
A caring workplace is a sign of a healthy workplace.

4. Make time to think

"Change your thoughts, and you change your world."
– Norman Vincent Peale.

Developing the habit of deep self-introspection is vital for the mind.
The success mechanism inside the mind only drives the wheels of positive thinking.
Thinking makes a man strategic and thoughtful.

Taking out time to think will make your actions crisp and improves deliberate thinking. Investing your time and energy into potential consideration will never go to waste.

It will lead you to success in all spheres of life.

5. Spend time with nature

"Nature brings solace in all troubles."
– Anne Frank.

Nature teaches compassion. It teaches presence of mind and awareness. Spending time in nature helps to bring clarity in thought and calmness in mind.

a story walking of Alice from tale
Photo by Hanna Postova / Unsplash

Also, it helps you discover new ideas and amend choices. Infact, every office must create a green corner for its employees to make dull corners look refreshing.
Walk to work and enjoy the beauty of nature.

6. Networking communication

"Team communication is a crucial factor in success, be it for a sports team like Barcelona or a project team within an organization. Teams that fail to communicate effectively will waste time and energy doing things that aren't necessary."

The key to a positive work environment is proper communication. An intuitive conversation is a result of positive thinking. Communication contributes to the growth and maturing of a mind.

Also, it cultivates the art of networking connections within an office. Honest communications develop trust and belonging.

Effective communication in the workplace brings benefits like:

  • Team building
  • Growth at both the end - personal and organizational
  • Innovation and Knowledge sharing
  • Employee engagement and productivity

7. Listen twice as much as you speak

"Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking."
– Bernard Baruch.

To become successful in life, listening is the first and foremost skill. But, it is also essential to add empathy while listening to the other person.

Listening improves communication and cooperation among co-workers. Becoming a good listener will help individuals develop a better understanding of ideas and innovation. And enhance the quality of positive thinking to be efficient at work.

8. Push yourself to work hard

"When you push yourself beyond limits, you discover inner reserves, which you never thought existed earlier."
– Manoj Arora.

It is essential to push yourself to know your limits at the very best. It will help you become better at work.

Let go of mediocrity in thoughts that hold you back. Pushing yourself forward will make you productive and more trustworthy among your teammates. It will help you commit to excellence and wear your passion on your sleeves.

Encourage employees' to be mentally relaxed and physically occupied


9. Value time

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.""
– Steve Jobs.

Sometimes we find ourselves guilty of wasting our time. Valuing time leads to self-discipline and burgeoning.

Proper organization of time allows us to accomplish goals and targets.
So, time management is crucial. Our boundless energy and enthusiasm must be put into action from time to time.

Sometimes I have to work abroad and this is was probably my favourite alternative desk. The view was to die for looking out across a very luscious green Romania.
Photo by Georgia de Lotz / Unsplash

Infact, good time management makes more time for other activities too.
A lot can be changed in a year if you blend with time, starting from today.

10. Be kind with words

""Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
Proverbs 15:4

Politeness is a sign of a wise leader. It is vital to keep your words soft and warm. Harsh words often end up ruining relationships. Many employees resign because of an argumentative boss. Positive thinking brings out positive comments.

Anything out of control in your life can harm and damage things. The greatest destroyer is an uncontrolled tongue.
So, adopt healthy habits to change your work life.

11. Avoid gossips

"No one is perfect - that's why pencils have erasers"
- Wolfgamg Riebe

Gossips can turn out to be dangerous. People who become the victims of gossip find it painful to cope up.
It lowers the other person's self-confidence and self-esteem. Also, it is a source of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
Therefore, surround yourself with positive people. It will eliminate the negative attitudes and make the workplace happier.
So, forge and foster positive psychology. And avoid making the mind a devil's workshop.

12. Find time to relax

"Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is relax."
– Mark Black.

To relax is to escape!
Relaxing is crucial for intellectual wellbeing and behavioral health.
It is bliss to have a relaxing solution that empowers you. Relaxation is essential for your body, mind, and soul.

It drains out your tension while preparing you for the following day. It makes you more productive as it cools down your nervous system.
Every workplace must arrange a corner for its employees where they can relax and think.

13. Be goofy at work

"Happiness inspires productivity."
– Shawn Achor.

What's the point of working somewhere you are not having fun?
The best organizations teach the best employee engagement techniques. Nobody enjoys working in an office where there is no fun. Having said that, "a company that plays together stays together."

Photo by DocuSign / Unsplash

Happy employees promote collaboration, creativity, and commitment. A positive workplace supports healthy work relationships with employees.

14. Let your goals dominate your thoughts

"Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success."
– Shiv Khera.

Be the master of your thoughts. It is essential to be goal-oriented and successful in life. Whether in the workplace or personal life. Every thought possesses energy; therefore, stay determined until you put your goal into action.

Setting a goal also will help you stay focused. It will enhance your willpower by leading to self-mastery. And, do not allow your negative thoughts to overshadow you.

15. Practice financial wellness

"Doing a budget means learning an ancient and powerful word: NO"
– Dave Ramsey.

Financial issues attract a series of mental and behavioral stress. Financial wellness is not only about fixing personal finance goals but looking into overall financial health.

Financial stress and anxiety can possibly degrade your health and wellness. But, managing it well can make you overcome all challenges.
It will also keep you productive at work and positive towards life.

16. Smile

"Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark."
– Jay Danzie.

Smile is a universal language. It has been scientifically proven that a smile stimulates happy thoughts.

Photo by Daria Pimkina / Unsplash

Smiling is a sign of a positive mind. Putting up a smiling face along with a good attitude is a great technique to improve your reputation at work. It helps you enhance your confidence and reduce work-related pressure.

A smiling face leads to a successful life and builds healthy relations with co-workers.

17. Being Proactive

"Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows."
- Michael Landon Jr..

Every individual possesses the power to see problems and take the necessary action to solve them. It is up to an individual to choose nirvana or nightmare.

Proactivity develops the mindset of a true achiever. Being proactive means, you no longer complain about the past or worry over the future. It unfolds the potential to give your best at work.
Also, it essentially helps to maintain a positive outlook.

So, being proactive means not letting the dire circumstances shape you. The one with a visionary mindset can lift you emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, and professionally.

18. Kaizen

"Good people strengthen themselves ceaselessly."

In Japanese, Kaizen means constant and never-ending improvement.

Even at work, the approach to continuous, incremental improvement is kaizen. It positively impacts the team and organization by challenging the status quo and striving for improvement. It improves productivity, retention, customer satisfaction, commitment, team building, and burnout.

Practicing Kaizen principles will condition your brain to a peak performer. It is a process of self-development and mental mastery.

19. Physical fitness goals

"Men's Sana in corpore sano" which translates to: sound body rests a sound mind.

Physical conditioning keeps your body and minds young. The essence of good living and positive thinking lies in maintaining a youthful body.

Want to acheive your Fitness Goals in 2021? Check out this article!

An individual should be doing at least 7 mins of minimum workout in a row. Even taking deep breaths reduces stress and helps in intellectual nourishment.

If you're not physically fit, you cannot cope up mentally at work. Physical fitness increases energy reserves by keeping you active all day and long.

20. An act of appreciation

"Organizational leadership begins with personal leadership. You can't be great at work until you feel great."

Workplace appreciation means rewarding and recognizing employees for quality work. It plays a crucial role in positive company culture and strengthening employer-employee relationships.

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann / Unsplash

Appreciation is a proven method to motivate employees, make them more productive and committed to their jobs. It hails a positive work environment with progressive mindsets.
Humans are creatures of emotion. So, it is vital to make them feel good and cared for.

21. Have fun and enjoy the journey

"The leader is the person who brings a little magic to the moment."
– Denise Morrison.

A valuable technique to defeat negative emotions is by enjoying life with what you have today. As said, it is not the destination that matters but the journey. The spirit of positivity can make work more exciting and fill the workplace with fun.

Have fun sign
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Having fun at the workplace is essential for employees. Implementing workplace fun can be the tool for a happy workplace. And, that way, it becomes easier for the employees to enjoy every moment at the workplace and with co-workers. It is the best way to bring all together and bring success.

Also Read: 101 Latest Employee Wellness Program Ideas To Create A Happy Workplace


Positive thinking highly contributes to employees' performances at work.
Lasting success requires brainstorming and a constant drill of good thoughts. Thus, Positive thinking opens an individual to new ideas and creates a happy workplace.

This article is written by Parismita Goswami who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com