When we talk about employee wellbeing, the various health aspects of employees, like mental, physical, financial, spiritual - all come into play.
In an organization, leaders are responsible for driving positive change and improving the wellness of their workforce. Now, especially after the Covid-19 scenario, leaders have a bigger role to play to ensure that their employees are fit and healthy and protected at all times.
In this podcast, Traci Fisher talks about how employee wellness has become an essential aspect for employers. She further stresses how the leaders can show a path to their workforce, especially post-pandemic.
About the Speaker
Traci Fisher is an executive wellness coach. She was commissioned in aviation and served as a helicopter pilot for 7 years. After leaving the military, she started her career in the fitness & wellness industry.
Traci is a regular contributor to local media, a wellness consultant, motivational speaker, mother of three, and the managing director of two health and wellness companies based in Cleveland, Ohio.
Traci combines her wellness expertise with leadership training to help executives optimize their health and energy in service to performance both personally and professionally. Traci is passionate about helping leaders achieve their next level of success while simultaneously enjoying the experience of life.
Currently, she is working on her first book, The Healthy Leader, Self-Leadership for Optimal Health, Energy and Performance.
Connect with her on Linkedin.
Show notes:
(02:08) Please introduce yourself to the listeners.
(02:57) Would you like to throw some light on the model you created called Wellbeingness?
(04:34) How do you work with people?
(06:13) What do you think are the key areas that have been affected the most by the pandemic?
(07:09) As we have seen, the pandemic has had a severe impact on the mental health of everyone. Do you have any such experience?
(09:07) With lockdowns all around and work from home culture, people have become lethargic and the fitness motivation has somewhat disappeared, which has further given rise to health risks. So how do you think the people can overcome the negative effects of the lockdown on their health?
(10:58) How can the leaders intervene and get their employees up and running?
(13:12) Could you talk about how social interaction is so important while working from home and how leaders should keep themselves updated with the employeesâ condition, thus making them feel they are cared for?
(14:35) So what do you mean by the 3R model in communication?
(16:10) What should employers do to get their employees to communicate and collaborate with everyone?
(18:20) Letâs talk about how the workplace scenario will change post-pandemic. What are the difficulties organizations will face when hosting a certain employee wellness challenge with half of its workforce working from home while the other half from the office?
(20:46) How can employers motivate their employees to give it their all in everything they do?
(22:44) How important do you think it is for employers to recognize the efforts of their employees who have achieved their wellness and fitness goals?
(23:31) In terms of yearly appraisals and reviews, do you think that wellness achievements can play a determining role in assessing employee performance over the year?
(25:31) Do you think employers can find the scientific approach to employee wellness useful?
(27:13) Is there any insight you would like to share with us that shows how you help your clients achieve their wellness goals?
(29:46) When the problem is scientific, the solution also has to be scientific. What is your opinion about that?
(31:00) What tip would you like to share with our listeners, especially the leaders, on how they can take employee health and revolutionize it post-pandemic?