Eating Habits In The Workplace

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Food is like fuel to the body. Options like healthy munching snacks are vital for achieving good health and should be available in the workplace.

Healthy eating is a fundamental aspect and impacts individual lifestyles a lot. What we eat and how we eat affect and influence our actions in everyday life.

Nutrition and a well-balanced diet are integral in determining employees' health and wellness. It helps them to remain fit and fine overall.

Thus, promoting nutrition and wellness can reduce office stress and increase energy and motivation, productivity, creativity, and inspiration. It also lessens absenteeism, burnout, presenteeism, etc., and other health and wellness issues at work.

Workplaces should promote healthy eating by adding nutritious foods to the canteen menu and vending machines. And by removing junk food and high-calorie drinks altogether from the office space.

For the employer, it is also important to provide a safe and healthy workplace. And encourage healthy lifestyles healthy lifestyles among employees' including corporate wellness programs, can be a significant step.

About The Speaker

Anjan Goswami has over 12 years of experience in the IT industry as a Solution Architect and Consultant for Managed Services. Besides, he is also certified in:
‱ Fitness Nutrition
‱ Wellness Management
‱ Lifestyle & Weight Management
‱ Corporate Wellness
‱ Physique & Figure Training Specialist

Anjan Goswami is a sport enthusiasts and has been conducting Fitness Training and Consulting for professionals as well other individuals across age groups. He also has experience in transforming a number of lives and has helped clients achieve individual health and fitness goals.

Connect with him on LinkedIn

Show Notes

(01:00) What does eating healthy at the workplace imply, and why does the office need to promote it?

(10.32) Which healthy eating habits should be encouraged at the workplace?

(17.54) Do workplaces influence how people eat? Like binge eating while at stress, or excess caffeine to de-stress, etc., etc.

(25.05) Would you like to recommend some tips for keeping snacks at work? Or suggest some ways to promote healthy eating and well-being at work.

(10.32) How can employers help promote eating habits in the workplace? What would you like to suggest to our listeners?

This podcast is hosted by Parismita Goswami who is also a content marketer and podcast host at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to