10 Terrific Ways to Observe Men's Health Month and Men's Health Week in the Workplace

June is widely celebrated as Men's Health Month, and communities worldwide observe this month as a period of raising awareness of men's health issues.
Men's health is a serious issue that is often overlooked in our busy daily lives.
There is also a significant mortality gap between men and women. According to a report by the CDC, in 2016, men lived an average of 5 years less than their female counterparts.
Men tend to neglect their health due to various factors such as lifestyle, societal pressure, stress, etc.
In our societies, men are pressured to be self-reliant, strong, and thriving from an early age. Those who express their emotions are generally perceived as weak or not fitting the bill of a typical man.
This is why many men suffer from physical and mental health problems in their lives.
Men's Health Month aims to raise awareness on men's health issues and encourage men to take steps to improve their health. Men's Health Week is a special focus within Men's Health Month.
This year, Men's Health Week is from June 12-18. During this week, many events and resources are available to help men improve their health.
It is a great opportunity for employers to promote men's health during Men's Health Week.
Men's Health: What puts men at more risk?
Before we go any further, let us learn why men are more likely to suffer from health problems and unnatural deaths than women.
There are many factors for men being at more risk of health issues than women.
One of the main factors is the pressure on men and boys to be successful in the eyes of society and their peers.
Men are taught from a young age that success is important, and this is why many men neglect their health in the pursuit of success.
Another reason is that men are less likely to seek medical and professional help than women.
Since ancient times, society has created an image of men being strong and tough. Men have long been expected to face their problems head-on. As a result, today's men may consider it shameful or weak to address their issues to others.
In today's age, good young men are falling prey to the darker side of political correctness and societal expectations. The unease of being judged or blamed has led many men to keep their emotions to themselves. As a result, emotions pile up inside them, and they donât feel comfortable sharing.
Here are some health facts about men -
- Men are more likely to die by suicide than women. (CDC)
- About 248,530 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year in the United States. (Cancer.org)
- Out of 500 men, 60% do not go to a doctor if they fear they are suffering from a severe health problem. (The Cleveland Clinic)
- Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men in the United States. (CDC)
- In the US, about 9470 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer every year. (Cancer.org)
- More than 60 percent of adult American men are overweight. (National Institutes of Health)
Celebrating Men's Health Month in the workplace
Male employees usually make up for most of the workforce in organizations worldwide. Addressing men's health issues should be a priority for employers looking to improve their employee health.
Employers can grab the opportunity that Men's Health Month provides to raise awareness of preventable health problems and encourage male employees to adopt healthy lifestyles.
Encouraging early detection and treatment of disease is vital, and it can only be achieved by increasing awareness.
Here are five great ideas that employers can use to celebrate Men's Health Month at work or just men's health in their workplace -
1. Create an Awareness Campaign
Awareness and education are critical when it comes to health. Your male workers may not be aware of any underlying physical or mental health issues, which may ruin their health. If you promote the awareness of men's health issues, your employees will be better equipped to identify health problems.
Create an awareness campaign in your workplace where you prioritize the importance of men's health. Encourage your employees to go for regular checkups or provide biometric tests in your workplace. Give out flyers and emails regarding common health issues men face and tips to combat them.
2. Organize a Health Fair
A health fair can be a great way to put men's health center stage during June's Men's Health Month. Organizing a health fair can provide a fun yet educational experience for your employees.
For a men's health-themed fair, you can invite vendors that provide wellness services specifically for men. Ensure that the decorations are also aligned with the theme. Also, as smoking is quite prevalent in men, do not forget to invite vendors that provide products aimed at smoking cessation.
3. Plan a Sports Day
Taking your male workforce out for a sports event is sure to get everyone excited. Outdoor sports are great ways of improving health and fitness, and a sports day would be a great way to celebrate Men's Health Month.
You can organize sports events throughout the month or have one dedicated day where everyone can participate in various sports and games. Amp up participation by rewarding winning teams with lucrative prizes and also provide everyone with healthy snacks and drinks.
4. Host A Wear Blue Day
Wear Blue Day is all about creating awareness and spread knowledge on men's health issues. As the name suggests, everyone wears blue clothing on this day. You can choose any date of your liking in June to be celebrated as Wear Blue Day.
Select a date, choose a goal amount to raise, wear blue, and go out with your employees to the community and spread awareness. After raising funds, donate them to a charitable cause for men's health, such as cancer trust.
5. Organize a Walkathon
A walkathon for a cause like cancer or AIDS can be a fantastic fundraising event. These events are fun and are great at educating people on disease prevention.
Many associations conduct host walkathon events for charitable causes. You can participate in one such event with your employees or easily host a walkathon in your organization with a wellness platform like Vantage Fit.
Observing Men's Health Week in the Workplace
Men's Health Week is a special time to raise awareness about men's unique health challenges and shine a spotlight on them.
Men's Health Week is a celebration of our mental and physical strength, vitality, and well-being. Observed annually in mid-June, this special week encourages us to prioritize physical, mental, and emotional health.
The primary objective is to focus on preventive measures, early detection, and proactive health management. This year, Men's Health Week is from June 12-18.
A crucial step we must take is to combat the lingering stigma surrounding men's health and men's mental health.
Let's make this men's health week one for the record books as we embrace ourselves. Here are some activities employers can do to promote men's health during Men's Health Week.
1. Organize Health Screenings
Arranging an on-site health screening with local healthcare providers is a great way to check out and learn about men's health risk factors. Health screenings can include blood pressure, cholesterol, and prostate cancer tests.
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and mental health issues are leading health concerns among male employees. Besides screenings, employers can help address these men's health issues by informing employees about the risks.
Employers can encourage participation by offering incentives or rewards. Many employers offer health screenings for such events at no cost.
2. Healthy Eating Week
Employers can put nutrition at the forefront by offering healthy food options in the workplace cafeteria or vending machines. Employers can further encourage healthy habits by providing gym memberships and sponsoring wellness events.
To take healthy eating to another level, organize nutrition workshops or cooking classes to educate the employees on making nutritious food choices. Later, encourage the employees to bring homemade meals and healthy recipes.
The consumption of toxins such as alcohol and cigarettes is high among males. Cultivating healthy eating habits and raising awareness on this topic with events like a healthy eating week will surely help in a transition.
3. Newsletters and social media posts
Men's Health Week is an important event for spreading knowledge and raising awareness.
The goal is to share more about common men's health issues, preventive measures, and early detection strategies.
By distributing information, we can not only improve the overall quality of life for men everywhere but also make a significant impact in saving lives as well.
Employers can provide resources to their employees through newsletters and intranets and share informative menâs health-related content on social media educating the wider audience.
4. Mindful Break Sessions
Men's mental health is often overlooked, but it is essential that we shed a light on this matter. Host Mindful break sessions to promote men's mental health in your workplace. Make time to take a break and engage in mindfulness activities.
Convey the positive impact that mental well-being has on work performance and relationships. Encourage male employees to prioritize their mental health without judgment. Consider inviting mental health experts to provide guidance.
By prioritizing men's mental health, you foster a supportive workplace culture, easing their burdens and making men feel better.
5. Physical fitness Workshop
A Physical fitness workshop will surely excite most of your male employees. Moreover, a fitness workshop might be just what they need. Men working round the clock don't get to work out, losing out on fitness.
Workplaces can organize a fitness workshop by introducing the topic of men's health and why it is important. Have a facilitator lead the workshop and the participants in an exercise routine. Have the coach help the participants with strength training and cardio exercises.
Follow the workshop with Q&A sessions where the participants question about men's health, physical fitness, or the workshop itself.
A well-promoted workshop is more likely to make people attend. Ensure the workshop is well-promoted by sending out emails, posting flyers, and talking to your employees. Make the workshop fun and engaging by choosing challenging and enjoyable exercises.
A key pillar of Men's Health Week is to focus on physical fitness. Events like a fitness workshop encourage men to focus on the fitness aspect.
In today's world, most men do not give enough time to their health and wellbeing. The hustle and bustle of everyday life cause a lot of health problems among men. Due to a lack of awareness and education, many men do not come out with their problems and seek professional help.
However, men's health issues should not go unnoticed, and employers should ensure that their male employees are healthy and fit. This June, during Menâs Health Week and Men's Health Month, encourage all the men in your life to take care of their health and live their lives to the fullest.
What is Men's Health Month?
An annual observance in June, Men's Health Month, raises awareness about men's health issues. Men's Health Month encourages men to take charge of their health and prioritize healthy lifestyle choices.
How can I get involved in Men's Health Month?
You can get involved in Men's Health Month and make a positive impact in many ways.
Start by initiating conversations about men's health with your friends and family.
Donate to organizations dedicated to men's health or volunteer your time to help men adopt healthier lifestyles.
Take part in local events and activities that focus on men's health.
The best thing you can do is to adopt a healthier lifestyle and embark on a self-improvement journey.
By getting involved in Men's Health Month, you can help to raise awareness of men's health issues and make a lasting difference.
When is Men's health week observed, and why is it important?
Typically observed in mid-June, from 12th to June 18th, Men's Health Week serves as a dedicated period to raise awareness and promote the well-being of men.
Men's Health Week is important because it's a time to break down the stigma associated with men's health issues and focus on the health and well-being of men.