5 Ways Virtual Wellness Programs Keeps Your Remote Employees Active
There's no doubt that the onset of COVID-19 has disrupted the entire work culture globally. The emergency of shifting to work from home routines, self-isolation, masks,and sanitizers have certainly challenged mental wellbeing over the physical one.
Frequent work burnouts and cases of obesity are some of the results of prolonged physical inactivity among remote employees. An employer needs to shift its usual wellness initiatives towards virtual wellness programs.
What Does A Virtual Wellness Program Consists?
Offering a Virtual Fitness Program can be an essential step towards your employee wellbeing. So you must check the requirements well before making it available to your employees.
It can vary according to the users need, yet, a typical online wellness program comes with the following components:
Pre-recorded instructional videos
For initial set-up, providing some demo lessons can help your employees to get familiar with the process. -
Virtual team building activities
To club your entire team and achieve a common health goal, virtual team building activities or challenges remain the ideal choice. -
A well-defined wellness sessions
These sessions can be pre-recorded or live. It includes guided meditation, guided massage therapy, online yoga classes, and health coaching. -
Wellness Tracking Facility
With the help of wellness apps, you can track employees before and after workout activities. -
Target setting options
It lets you set your goals at your convenience; you can also offer wellness incentives the higher engagement ratio programs. -
Provides nutritional information
Virtual wellness programs can help you log your meals of the day and plan your meal plans, recipes, nutrition therapy. Fitness experts can also organize nutrition expert sessions for better goal achievement. -
Real-Time Activity Tracker
It must offer an app or an online dashboard with real-time utilization data, tracking progress, and proving ROI.
Also Read: Excellent Wellness Activities For Remote Employees
Theses were some overall features in a virtual wellness program, but it can differ according to companies' requirements. Make sure you offer a well-customized program as per your employee's choices. You can either plan yourself or hire a professional health coach who can support each employee along the process.
Here are some of the benefits that virtual wellness programs provide your organization and employees.
5 Ultimate Reasons To Offer Virtual Wellness Programs
1. Employees Can Easily Access Portal
Accessibility is the primary concern when your employees have to work online. Top of that, who doesn't love convenience?
Thanks to technology, hitting the gym for fitness isn't a mandatory factor in the present day. Employers can use such benefits to help their employees reach health goals.
Its main benefit is that employees can receive the exact services at a few clicks from any computer or mobile device. It helps to keep the goals on track, providing necessary feedback through Tele counseling or webinars.
2. Well Customized Diet Plans
A carefully designed nutrition plan is as essential as exercising. To achieve the desired health goal, maintaining a balanced diet is most vital while at home. This feat of creating a personal workout and diet plan seemed impossible just a few years back and existed only in the realm of expensive personal trainers and dietitians.
But as the experience became virtual, there are abundant resources that help design an ideal diet schedule. You can refer to free materials like youtube or e-books for an easy wellness program. Also, you can reach out to any corporate wellness companies for more professional help.
Related: 45 Corporate Wellness Companies That Are Revolutionizing The Wellness Industry
3.Helps In Tracking And Monitoring Activities
Examining and quantifying health goals will help your employees to keep track of their progress. It will let them identify the mark at which they've completed the task.
Virtual wellness programs come with critical metrics such as health risk assessments that track employees' health progress. Real-time visualization also helps the admin to identify the high performing employee during the wellness campaigns.
This benefit can be used to define wellness incentives after the completion of the wellness goal. You can also award the employees who were consistent during the process to boost their confidence.
4. Alings With Your Brand Value
Your brand awareness and core value must define the culture of wellness for your employees. Keeping them aligned with your company's values can be achieved by your virtual wellness program. The best platform allow customization with your web address and branding.
5. Insights Leads To Better Engagement
A virtual wellness program also helps companies understand how their employees engage with their health. The more you get insights. Crafting an ideal corporate wellness program for your workers won't be troublesome. It can help you generate more incentive programs and find new ways to solve your employees' concerns better. .
5 Virtual Wellness Program Ideas For Your Remote Employees
With remote working being the new normal, devising a virtual wellness program has become an excellent opportunity to engage employees back to your corporate fitness goals.
Here, we dive into how to incorporate virtual wellness program ideas to excite your employees while at home.
1. Offer Wellness Resources To Your Employees
Provide all necessary resources so that your employees are well equipped before staring at the virtual programs. You can create a shared group and share all the essential updates.
You can also offer free subscriptions to Online Zumba or Healthy Cooking Class.
2. Host Online Lunch And Learn
Virtual Lunch and learn is a process of creating a community of wellbeing in a more relaxed style. You can host an internal meeting over Zoom or make a fun break with ice breaker sessions.
3. Offer Online Fitness Programs
There are various online fitness programs that craft programs for your employees. Offer the best in the market that perfectly matches your employee's needs.
4. Design Your Fitness Challenges
To add an extra element of fun, let your employees design a wellness programs. This can act as a team-building session with a more excellent participation ratio. You can reward and recognize your employees based on their engagement.
You can refer to our Comprehensive Guide on Rewards and Recognition for better employee engagement.
5. Host Virtual Happy Hour
Consider hosting fun, filed virtual happy hours. You can play games or talk about mental health and concerns and give honest feedback.
Related: Excellent Corporate Virtual Wellness Ideas
There are many ways you can create your virtual wellness program ideas. Be it a virtual happy hour or motivational workshops, make sure your employees participate and enjoy the entire session.
Now I am keen to hear from you.
Which reason made you think about hosting your next virtual wellness program?
Do let us know in the comment section below.

Vantage Fit - A complete AI-Powered Solution for seamless implementation of your Corporate Wellness Program to nurture a healthy and engaged workforce